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- CWhiz
CWhiz (from Ketron Management Sciences) is a Linear Programming optimizer which is
configured to be launched from Microsoft Access. Macros and
Forms in Access are used to import data from the customer's data
sources, build the data into the modeling format for the optimizer,
launch the optimizer, and then retrieve and present the results.
- Sales Assistant
Sales Assistant is a tool designed for Telephone sales people who
are selling commodities from multiple plants. It improves profitability by
permitting the salesman to see his cumulative margin on the entire order.
Commonly the first product requested is a "benchmark" product, the one
which the buyer thinks he knows the price, and will often negotiate to get a
better deal. The buyer typically knows the subsequent products less, and
this tool permits the salesman to know the price he should try for on these
subsequent products to make up the lost margin on the initial product.
- Enterprise Optimizer
- Enterprise Optimizer is a linear programming environment which permits
the entry of a virtually unlimited number of process flows linked in
innumerable ways. When an analysis becomes too complicated for a
spreadsheet, LP analysis can point the way to greater profitability.
- Web-site Programming
Most of our implementations use some form of Intranet access for
customers, so we've become proficient at the intricacies of scripting
data-base access, searches, and other automated procedures. We
are NOT artists (can't you tell?). If you need some more
automated procedures for an intranet, look over some of the things
we've done for publicly-accessible web sites, and if you see something
similar to what you might want, ask about it.
Web Site Directory
(especially Search and Add entry forms)
Local Political Site1
Local Political Site2